Why are Homelessness Advocates Gathering in Washington, D.C. This Week?

Jul 2017


This week, we’re in our nation’s capitol collaborating with young leaders and adult partners at the National Conference on Ending Homelessness. Organized by the National Alliance to End Homelessness, the conference features a combination of presentations, panel discussions, interactive learning sessions, and networking opportunities for folks on the forefront of the movement to end homelessness.

We’re excited to be participating in the conference alongside the National Youth Forum on Homelessness (NYFH) to raise awareness of the importance of authentic youth collaboration. Here’s how True Colors Fund and NYFH members are getting involved this week:

  • Chief Program Officer Ian Ellasante is speaking on creating safe and affirming environments for LGBTQ young people.
  • Associate Program Director Twiggy Pucci Garcon and NYFH member and 2015 True Fellow Rivianna Hyatt are presenting on expanding the role of consumer voices in governance, policy, and practice.
  • NYFH member Kahlib Barton is presenting on the intersections of youth homelessness and HIV/AIDS.

The conference culminates with Capitol Hill Day – an event to “celebrate the progress made on ending homelessness since the McKinney-Vento Act passed 30 years ago and highlight the federal investments that will be needed to continue this trend in this Congress and Administration.” True Colors Fund staff and NYFH members will visit with Members of Congress and their staff to build relationships, educate on the issues, and encourage collaboration to address homelessness in America.

We’re currently accepting nominations for our 2018 40 of the 40 list – which honors the 40% of youth experiencing homelessness who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning (LGBTQ), age 18-24. If you work with or know an LGBTQ young person who has experiences with homelessness or housing instability, we encourage you to nominate them here! 40 of the 40 honorees have the opportunity to get further involved in the movement through projects like NYFH and the True Fellowship, speaking engagements like this week’s conference, and more!

Nominate a young person today!