True colors
United to

Advocate, Educate, Collaborate, End Youth Homelessness.

Make A Difference

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True Colors United implements innovative solutions to youth homelessness by focusing on the experiences of those most impacted —LGBTQ+ and BIPOC youth.

LGBTQ+ youth are 120% more likely to face homelessness than their peers, while Black youth are 83% and Latine youth are 33% more likely. True Colors United is guided by two core beliefs: those who’ve experienced an issue first-hand hold the keys to the solution, and improving outcomes for the most impacted communities benefits everyone. 


Our team works at the federal, state, and local levels to ensure vital funding, policies, systems, and protections are in place that meet the needs of LGBTQ+ and BIPOC youth experiencing or at risk of homelessness. We partner with young people and with national,  state-level and local advocates in advancing policies that bring us closer to a future where housing justice is a reality for all. 

Youth Action

Our team works with young people all over the country to ensure that youth-led policies, systems, and protections are in place. Youth are the experts in their own experiences. We create spaces and opportunities for young people with lived experience of homelessness to learn from each other, strategize together, and build youth political power toward solving homelessness. 

Training & Education

We collaborate with individuals, service providers, and communities to ensure LGBTQ+ youth experiencing homelessness have access to inclusive and affirming services. We offer trainings, toolkits, and online courses aimed at supporting providers in their efforts to embed racial and LGBTQ+ equity and authentic youth collaboration within their programming, policies, and practices.

Technical Assistance

We guide youth homelessness service providers, policymakers, advocates, and other stakeholders in creating systems and policies that better meet the needs of youth experiencing homelessness. Through an ongoing partnership with HUD's Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project (YHDP), we've trained leaders in over 70 communities on LGBTQ+ and racial equity, project management, and youth collaboration. 

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Strengthening Futures: True Colors United Launches Youth Career Services Toolkit

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