40 of the Forty: Daniella Carter

Dec 2014

40 of the Forty: Daniella Carter

Daniella Carter’s alarm rings. She wakes up, checks her phone for updates on the different projects she’s involved in, and begins her daily affirmations:

“I’m beautiful, I’m educated, I’m free of depression.”

We believe Daniella Carter can do anything. If there’s one thing she can’t do, it’s lie. Much like Daniella’s personal affirmations, our 40 of the Forty list gives young people the opportunity to tell their own stories – to affirm who they are for themselves with honesty and purpose. And Daniella does it beautifully in our very first 40 of the Forty feature.

True Colors Fund: What do you think about when you wake up in the morning?

Daniella Carter: Where’s my coffee? Where’s my makeup? When I wake up, I do my affirmations. How do I affirm myself today? “I’m beautiful, I’m educated, I’m free of depression.” And I always check my phone and email for updates on projects I’m a part of.

True Colors Fund: What’s your biggest dream?

Daniella: To wake up every morning, have a car service downstairs, and be a news anchor – or something around news and media… maybe a director of a program that helps youth. I want to see a foundation that I am working on see longevity and success being inclusive and removing disparities of race, class, and gender. I am also writing a play right now, too. I’m living my dreams. In the future I see myself happy and affirmed. I want to hurry up and be rich!

True Colors Fund: What is it like to be you?

Daniella: Exhausting! Overwhelming sometimes, because I’m putting a face to the struggles that transgender youth of color experience. I’ve learned to practice authentic love, affirmations, and support – everything that I didn’t have as an adolescent. I’ve learned that to love myself is so important. Love is so important in the process of healing. I want to give everyone else the opportunity to do the same. And it’s cool to have celebrity friends (laughs).

True Colors Fund: What is your “tweet-able” message to folks?

Daniella: “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” – Maya Angelou <- TWEET THIS!

How do you affirm yourself daily? Let us know on Facebook and Twitter, and share Daniella’s message with your friends!

The 40 of the Forty list gives lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning youth who have experiences with homelessness and/or housing instability a chance to speak for themselves. The young people on the list were nominated by homeless youth service providers, social workers, educators, individuals, and other folks across the country. Over the course of forty weeks, we’ll be releasing full length interviews with each young person featured on our list.