40 of the Forty: Indie Landrum

Mar 2015

We often say that youth are the experts of their own experiences – so they should be involved in the efforts that serve them. Indie likes to say that “youth are qualified by experience.” We kinda like that even better.

Indie is certainly qualified to do the work that he does and lend his voice to the movement to end lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth homelessness. He has a gift for saying exactly what needs to be said, in a way that empowers people to do and be better. But don’t take our word for it. See for yourself:

True Colors Fund: What’s the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning?

Indie: What time is it? Can I go back to sleep?

True Colors Fund: What kind of projects are you up to?

Indie: I’m a Youth Support Partner working at TAY Academy, a drop-in resource center for youth ages 14-24. We often work with youth who’ve fallen through the “cracks” in the system and we help them get connected to services and support to help them.

I am also board member of the California Coalition for Youth. Our mission is to improve and empower the lives of California’s youth.

True Colors Fund: What’s your biggest dream?

Indie: I think my biggest dream of course is for all youth, especially queer and trans youth, to be safe and to be loved. But my unfortunately more “realistic” dream is for all of the youth serving programs to be safe spaces for our queer and trans youth. Not just by putting up a sign, but by creating a culture where homophobia and transphobia is not tolerated and where all staff are thoroughly trained on the intersections of things that effect the youth we serve. It would also be a space where staff are safe to be out, and are able to be positive LGBT-identified role models for the queer and transgender youth because we definitely need it.

True Colors Fund: Anything else you’d like to tell us, or the people out there?

Indie: To all the queer and trans folks out there, you are important and you are powerful. Things get better, if you make it better. <– TWEET THIS!

Whether you realize it or not, you are powerful. What makes you powerful, and how do you use your power? Tell us on Facebook and Twitter!

The 40 of the Forty list gives lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning youth who have experiences with homelessness and/or housing instability a chance to speak for themselves. The young people on the list were nominated by homeless youth service providers, social workers, educators, individuals, and other folks across the country. Over the course of forty weeks, we’ll be releasing full length interviews with each young person featured on our list.