Here’s What Happened on #TrueColorsDay

Apr 2018

A #TrueColorsDay Recap | April 25, 2018

A lot of incredible things happened on #TrueColorsDay. Like… a lot a lot. Thousands of people across the world helped spread the word, took unselfies to show their true colors, and got active – creating safer spaces for LGBTQ youth. Over 80 organizations repped the cause and our first ever presenting partners Marriott International showed up in a big way! Not only that – 11 cities officially declared #TrueColorsDay in their community.

Together, we’re working to end homelessness among lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth, and creating a world where all young people can be their true selves.

Here’s the gist:

Joe Biden Gives a Call to Action

Vice President Joe Biden for #TrueColorsDay

Today is #TrueColorsDay! We’re honored to have the support of Vice President Joe Biden on this important day. “Together… we can change our culture to one of love and acceptance, but only if we work at it.” Words to live by… Get involved at

Posted by True Colors Fund on Wednesday, April 25, 2018


We’re honored to have the support of Vice President Joe Biden on #TrueColorsDay!

Hi, I’m Joe Biden. Today is #TrueColorsDay – a day to raise awareness about LGBTQ youth homelessness, and to commit to making a difference. Across the United States, LGBTQ young people are 120% more likely to experience homelessness than all other youth. Too often these young people have been rejected due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. They don’t have another support system to fall back on. Not only is this heartbreaking, its unacceptable. All our young people deserve to be loved and affirmed – and they need to be safe and healthy, as well. That’s why today is so important.

Our voices are louder when we use them together. It’s long past time that we speak out together on LGBTQ youth homelessness. I’m proud to join the True Colors Fund and my friend Cyndi Lauper in standing up for LGBTQ youth all across the country. So, I hope you’ll join me on social media with the hashtag #TrueColorsDay – and you can learn more at

Together, we can change our culture to one of love and acceptance, but only if we work at it – on #TrueColorsDay and every day henceforth.

Words to live by.

Livestream Dishes Out Stories, Wisdom, and Life


Our inspiring livestream guests are all doing awesome things to create a better world for LGBTQ youth.

One of the highlights of the livestream was our Program Director Twiggy Pucci Garcon‘s convo with Michelle Visage, of RuPaul’s Drag Race! Both fierce advocates in the LGBTQ and ballroom communities, Michelle and Twiggy talked about the importance of representation and the power of chosen family.

Check out a few clips below, and you can watch all the videos on Facebook! Thanks to everyone who tuned in and participated!

All Tea, No Shade: Media Matters

Michelle Visage of RuPaul's Drag Race joins Twiggy Pucci Garçon for a #TrueColorsDay chat about chosen family and why media representation is so important for LGBTQ youth.

Posted by True Colors Fund on Friday, April 27, 2018

My Son Wears Heels: Raising A Gender-Creative Child

Our #TrueColorsDay live stream is back with author Julie Tarney and her son Harry Hanson!

Posted by True Colors Fund on Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Get Your Hands Dirty With Grassroots Advocacy ✊

Our #TrueColorsDay live stream is back with Jawanza James Williams, statewide organizer with Voices Of Community Activists & Leaders (VOCAL-NY)!

Posted by True Colors Fund on Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Library Is Open: Drag Queen Story Hour

Our #TrueColorsDay live stream is back with Ona Louise of Drag Queen Story Hour!

Posted by True Colors Fund on Wednesday, April 25, 2018

5 Things You Can Do To Create A Safe Space ️‍

Tune in for five things you can do to create a safe space this #TrueColorsDay! ️‍

Posted by True Colors Fund on Wednesday, April 25, 2018


New Voices of Youth Count Brief Expands Knowledge of the Issue

LGBTQ youth are more than twice as likely to experience homelessness than their non-LGBTQ peers, and they are at greater risk for bad things happening to them before and during homelessness. #TrueColorsDay coincides with the release Missed Opportunities: LGBTQ Youth Homelessness in America, a new brief from Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago on LGBTQ youth homelessness. This research provides in unprecedented detail, the unique challenges these youth face and what everyone can do to help.

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Rescue Mission and ACR Health Announce New Shelter for LGBTQ Youth

A new 10-bed shelter will serve runaway and homeless youth with a focus on LGBTQ youth ages 12 to 17 in Syracuse and Onondaga County, NY. It’s a collaboration between the Rescue Mission and ACR Health And are in the process of securing a house for the youth shelter.

“Being a self-professed Christian, leading a faith-based organization that has cared for the needs of the homeless for 130 years, I cannot in good conscience ignore the dire needs of homeless LGBTQ young people who are struggling to survive on the street while largely going unnoticed and underserved,” said Rescue Mission Chief Executive Officer Dan Sieburg

This shelter is going to do so much for so many young people! Learn more here.

#MaggieMatters: Supergirl Fans Show Up for “Sanvers”

Maggie Sawyer 2Two weeks ago, a group of inspiring Maggie Sawyer fans started a campaign to raise money for the True Colors Fund’s work and show love to their favorite detective. On #TrueColorsDay, they passed the $10,000 mark. That’s fundraising fire! 

We’re so inspired by these young fans and their advocacy. As one supporter tweeted, “it’s not just about TV!” Seeing yourself represented on a show is a really powerful thing – especially for LGBTQ youth and people of color. If you need proof, just check out the comments.

Portrayed by Floriana Lima, Maggie means a lot to these fans. If you’re unfamiliar with Maggie’s story, here’s some perspective from the fundraising page:

Supergirl’s (The CW) Maggie Sawyer was kicked out of her home at 14 because of her sexuality. 40% of homeless youth in the US are LGBT. Help us raise funds for them – in Maggie’s name.

Detective Maggie Sawyer, from The CW’s ‘Supergirl’, first hit our screens back in 2016. We learned her story, of how she was rejected by her family because of her sexuality and outed unfairly. Homelessness and the LGBT community go hand in hand around the world, with hundreds of thousands of LGBT youth left alone in the streets of the US; and that’s just one country.

We’ve decided to fundraise and make this donation in her name. Every Maggie Sawyer out there deserves our help.

We hope to see Maggie Sawyer back in our lives so she can get the happy ending that she (and viewers like her) deserve.

These fans have done that and more. And frankly, we’re speechless.

Together, We Will End LGBTQ Youth Homelessness

However you got involved on #TrueColorsDay, we thank you. Even having one conversation about LGBTQ youth homelessness goes along way. As Ziggy said in our livestream, everyone is already an advocate for something. What are you passionate about? Be the spark!

Stay up to date on our work, and for more opportunities to make a difference.

Truecolorsday social worker unselfie