We’re Getting America on the Same Page About LGBTQ Youth Homelessness

Jun 2018


At the True Colors Fund, we believe in meeting people where they’re at.

Over the past ten years, we’ve partnered with countless service providers to help improve the lives of LGBTQ young people experiencing homelessness. One thing we saw time and time again was that providers nearly always have good intentions about helping LGBTQ youth – they often just need a little help getting started.

That’s why we created the True Colors Learning Community. Membership is free and users can access videos, podcasts, articles, and toolkits to gain a baseline level of LGBTQ cultural competency. Topics covered in the Learning Community include why LGBTQ youth homelessness happens, how to ask a young person for their pronouns, and simple ways to create more inclusive organizational cultures and physical spaces. 

Through these resources, we’re making the entire country safer and more inclusive for all young people. Last year, we trained almost 700 individuals in Houston, TX using our online courses – and this month, we’re planning to train over 3,500 people in four communities!

Join the Learning Community and start learning now – for free!


Last year, we sent 500 True Inclusion Toolboxes to service providers across the country. Each Toolbox includes printed copies of our toolkits, pronoun pins, all-gender restroom signs, a diversity poster and inclusion sticker, and more! Simple tools like these can mean the difference between a young person getting the support they need and staying out on their own.

Later this year, we’re sending another round of 500 to federally-funded service provider networks nationwide!

You can make a difference.

For ten years, we’ve strived to break down the complex issue of LGBTQ youth homelessness so that everyone can make a difference. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we’ve been able to offer resources like the True Inclusion Toolbox and the True Colors Learning Community to service providers free of charge. That’s why we’re asking you to make a donation today so that we can continue this work to make the entire country safer and more inclusive for LGBTQ young people.

Make your gift today!