Take It From a Covid First-Responder: We Can’t Leave Youth Experiencing Homelessness Behind

Nov 2020
Photo credit: The Gender Spectrum Collection.

Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday – a day to support the causes that are important to us.

In addition to working at True Colors United, I’m a first-responder at my local hospital. Take it from me… youth experiencing homelessness are being hit hard by Covid-19.

Think about it: How do you stay home and protect yourself when you don’t have a home to begin with? That’s why I believe that safe and stable housing is one of the best types of health care. This Giving Tuesday, make a donation to help create a world where safe housing is possible for all young people.

Before joining the True Colors United team, I worked as an Outpatient Clinic Manager and as a direct service provider to people experiencing homelessness. I know from experience that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth, Black and Brown youth, and Indigenous youth all experience homelessness at highly disproportionate rates. Similarly, these groups also experience disproportionate rates when accessing healthcare – for many, a direct result of not having access to safe and stable housing. 

True Colors United is working to ensure that all young people have access to life-saving resources without fear of violence or discrimination. Do you agree? Here’s how you can help…

For the rest of the year, all donations to True Colors United are being DOUBLED. Weston Milliken, one of our most generous donors, has offered a matching gift challenge: For all donations made up to $50,000, Weston will match your contribution. Are you up for it?

As we approach a new year, a new presidential administration, and (hopefully) new solutions to the pandemic, we find ourselves at a critical moment. There’s never been more opportunity for change. And change has never been more needed.

But we can’t do it alone. Can we count on you?