Cyndi Lauper is Going LIVE on #TrueColorsDay!

Apr 2020

#TrueColorsDay Live with Cyndi Lauper

Want the Invite to Cyndi’s #TrueColorsDay event? Take Action NOW.

#TrueColorsDay is right around the corner! On Wednesday, April 29, 2020, hundreds of thousands of us will come together (virtually) to take action to protect the health and rights of LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness. 

#TrueColorsDay is for everyone, but members of the True Colors United Action Team will be entered into a special drawing to receive an invitation to behind-the-scenes programming, including a Zoom video hangout with our co-founder Cyndi Lauper!

How do you join the True Colors United Action Team? The easiest way is to take action!

You’ll automatically be added to our Action Team members roster and entered into the drawing if you click here to contact your Senators and Congressional representative to ask that they include resources for youth experiencing homelessness in the federal response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Because of your advocacy, Congress provided $12 billion for housing and homelessness in the last coronavirus package, but far more resources are needed.

Youth experiencing homelessness don’t have fancy Washington, D.C. lobbyists or their own Super PAC. But when we speak out in a unified voice to defend the health and civil rights of youth experiencing homelessness, we’re far more powerful than wealthy special interests! 

Add your voice to ours today to ensure that Congress hears us loud and clear.