Cyndi Lauper: “Let’s Make LGBTQ History.”

Oct 2020

Let’s Make LGBTQ History.

We’re kicking off LGBTQ History Month with some amazing news: Silk is matching all gifts through the month of October! That means EVERY donation is doubled.

Make a donation today:

Posted by True Colors United on Thursday, October 1, 2020

To Cyndi Lauper, LGBTQ History Month is a call to action.

2020 has taught me a lot of things so far… the biggest lesson being: “Don’t ever let anyone tell you that things can’t change.”

October is LGBTQ History Month – and a call to action. Right here, right now – this is our opportunity to dream about the world LGBTQ people deserve and create the change necessary to make it a reality.

As people committed to human rights, it is time to unite to protect the most vulnerable among us. Young people experiencing homelessness – who are disproportionately LGBTQ, Black, Brown, and Indiginous – are among those who regularly experience violence at the hands of the police. Increasingly, we’re seeing local laws that prohibit things like sleeping, sitting, and even eating on the street. Ordinances like these (and the curfews we saw the other week) disproportionately target people experiencing homelessness, increase their interactions with the police, and attempt to criminalize their very existence. 

At the same time, LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness are uniquely vulnerable to COVID-19. It’s hard to protect yourself when you don’t have a home to go to. We cannot leave young people behind in this time of crisis. That’s why I’m asking you to join our effort by making a gift to True Colors United today.

I’m excited to share that Silk has offered a generous matching gift challenge in honor of LGBTQ History Month. For all donations made up to $25,000, Silk will match your contribution. Do we have your support?


True Colors United continues to offer free training and tools to help providers support LGBTQ young people.

More than ever before, homelessness service providers are essential to our communities. Our resources are all safely available online, and this year we’ve trained hundreds virtually. Your support makes all this possible.

Young people should never have to fear violence or discrimination when trying to get the help they need. Yet the Trump administration is trying to make it okay for homelessness services to discriminate based on sexual orientation, gender identity, sex, and religion. As the COVID-19 crisis continues to change our way of life, LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness are left particularly vulnerable by the administration’s actions. We need your help to keep LGBTQ youth safe.

Housing is a human right. LGBTQ rights are human rights. And there is no LGBTQ liberation without Black liberation. These movements are tied together, and I believe our victories will be won together. Join us this LGBTQ history month, and remember: any gift you make by October 31, 2020 – no matter the amount – will be doubled.


If I know one thing, it’s that LGBTQ young people are resilient. We stand to learn a lot from them, especially in trying times. Your support will help us remain resilient through these times, and take our work further than it’s ever gone before. Together, we can overcome any obstacle.

In solidarity,

Cyndi Lauper

Cyndi Lauper
Co-founder and Board Member
True Colors United