Cyndi Lauper on U.S. Supreme Court Marriage Equality Rulings

Jun 2013

For Immediate Distribution
June 26, 2013


NEW YORK – The following is a statement by Cyndi Lauper, co-founder of the True Colors Fund, on today’s marriage equality rulings by the United States Supreme Court:

History has been made today and justice has prevailed. To all of you who have been waiting on the sidelines for years, for lifetimes, it’s a huge day. I am so, so happy for you.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of loving and committed gay couples and the so-called Defense of Marriage Act has been ruled unconstitutional. Not only that, but California’s Proposition 8 was struck down, restoring marriage equality to the state of California.

Both of these decisions not only impact the lives of gay couples, but of gay and transgender youth who struggle to find acceptance from their family and friends. Every step closer we get to equality ensures that these kids have the futures that they deserve and are entitled to.

Thank you so much to the inspiring plaintiffs, attorneys, and everyone across the country who have worked so hard for so many years. Today, we celebrate. Tomorrow, we keep working for full equality for all and to bring the freedom to marry for gay couples to the 37 states that still remain.

True Colors Fund was co-founded by Cyndi Lauper to inspire and engage everyone, especially straight people, to become active participants in the advancement of equality for all and to raise awareness about and bring an end to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth homelessness. For more information please visit