Documentary as an Educational Tool

Jun 2014

The Homestretch

Much like family, home looks different to each and every one of us. Home may be a friend, a place, a couch, or even a memory. The Homestretch, a documentary premiering this weekend in New York City and in the DC area, follows the daily lives of three young people as they define (and redefine) “home.” Grappling with experiences of homelessness, navigating the educational system, and building relationships with friends and family, the three youth represent some of the universal, yet unique experiences that youth experiencing homelessness face today. The film follows an LGBT young person, an undocumented young person, and a young man with a family and shows the unique strengths and challenges that each of them come across in their interactions with various institutions, as well as the support along the way.

How you can use documentaries like The Homestretch as an educational tool in your community?

  • Host a screening at a local library or community center – or plan a movie night with your staff or in your youth programs.
  • Use the screening as an opportunity to have an open dialogue about homelessness in your community, and to work with community partners to identify safe spaces for young people experiencing homelessness
You can request a screening of The Homestretch in your community here.


If you’re in New York, you can attend the premiere of The Homestretch followed by a Q&A with filmmakers on Friday June 20 8:45 p.m. at the Film Society of Lincoln Center and Saturday June 21 7:00 p.m. at the IFC Center.