HUD Announces Anti-Transgender Shelter Rule

Jul 2020

The White House

Proposed HUD rule change would eliminate protections for transgender people accessing homelessness services.

In an almost unbelievable move during a global public health crisis, the Trump administration is yet again setting their sights on gutting protections for our transgender siblings. This time, they are looking to remove critical protections meant to ensure the safety of any trans person in need of Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) funded programs – especially homeless shelters.

Join our campaign to fight back against this cruel proposal. Tell the Trump administration that #HousingSavesLives. 

HUD exists to “build inclusive and sustainable communities free from discrimination,” however the proposed roll-back would open the door to taxpayer-funded discrimination against the people in our communities who are at the greatest risk of violence and discrimination. The Equal Access Rule’s protections against discrimination are critical to ensure safe access to shelter for transgender people experiencing homelessness, survivors of violence, and fleeing disasters. Read our joint statement on the announcement here.

Currently, homeless shelters are expressly directed to accept trans people based on their authentic gender, but like so many other protections for our community, Trump and his administration are poised to roll that back and instead allow shelters to reject people simply because of who they are.

This proposed roll-back, announced today, would allow widespread discrimination when trans people need help the most, when facing becoming unhoused. The current regulations provide safety in HUD-funded programs, and Trump’s proposed rule change would only leave trans people less safe and more at risk, especially during a global health crisis. 

We will do everything we can to make sure these harmful changes don’t go into effect, but like with so much, we need your help to make that a reality. Starting soon, there will be a 60 day comment period where members of the public can share why this rule would be a huge mistake because #HousingSavesLives. 

We all pay the price when it comes to government-sanctioned discrimination. Will you stand with us and let the administration know you reject their attempts to discriminate? 

Join our campaign and help us create a wave of opposition to reject this dangerous proposal. 

Together, we can fight this attack on trans people.