October 19 is LGBT Center Awareness Day!

Oct 2015


Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community centers are instrumental in the effort to end LGBT youth homelessness. Across the country, centers support and empower over 40,000 people every week by offering needed social services, mental health counseling, cultural programs, recreational activities, libraries, educational programs, support groups, youth and elder support, computer access, and care and treatment to LGBT communities.

Not only can LGBT centers provide resources and services for young people experiencing homelessness, but they also act as a place of education to help foster acceptance and prevent young people from experiencing homelessness in the first place. Community centers can be a family to those who find support and understanding within their walls.

The True Colors Fund is proud to partner with CenterLink on LGBT Center Awareness Day (Monday, October 19) to increase visibility of the role centers play in the movements to increase equality for LGBT people and end youth homelessness. There are a number of ways to get involved! If you work at or a community center, volunteer at one, or want to lend a hand, here are some materials to help you plan a local Center Awareness Day! Or maybe you’re not involved at your local center – in which case, we encourage you to check out CenterLink’s directory of LGBT centers to find one near you!

If you’re new to the idea of LGBT centers, we understand that it can be a little scary to step out, open up, and meet new people. But through our research, the stories we’ve heard, and the experiences we’ve lived, the True Colors Fund can honestly say there’s nothing like finding one or two (or a whole community) of people you can lean on.

So spread the word! We’re online talking about LGBT centers using #lgbtCAD. Join us!