National LGBTQ+ Youth Homelessness Research Agenda

In October 2018, with generous support from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Drs. Jama Shelton and SJ Dodd convened a town hall meeting at the True Colors United Impact Summit. The goal of the town hall was to gather information from young people with lived experience, service providers, policy makers, and advocates regarding the challenges they face and the questions needed answering in order to adequately and comprehensively address LGBTQ youth homelessness, with the goal of creating a national LGBTQ youth homelessness research agenda.
The intention of the research agenda is to center the voices and experiences of those most impacted by LGBTQ youth homelessness and to provide a guide for researchers investigating solutions to address the disparities faced by LGBTQ youth, particularly LGBTQ youth of color.
Authors: Adrian, S., Barnette, D., Bishop, J., Dodd, S., Erangey, J., Guerilla, M., Jackson, K., Jacob, M., Lange, J., Shelton, J., Sumter, G., Tandy, J., Thomas, A., Valentine, J. & Wagaman
Partners: Silberman Center for Sexuality & Gender with True Colors United and Advocates for Richmond Youth
Published: 2020