TCU Opposes Amendment HR.4280

Oct 2023

For months, Congress and the White House have been in opposition on FY2024’s budget asks. Until the last minute, many thought the government would shut down because of the lack of consensus on the bill. Yet, to avert the shutdown, Congress passed a 45-day continuous-resolution bill that allows the government to operate for 45 more days. During this time, Congress must approve a budget or the government will shut down—leaving room for harmful amendments and budget cuts that are detrimental to many people’s lives. One amendment currently being considered will add restrictions to the Equal Access Rule (EAR) for housing or urban development. These restrictions directly target LGBTQIA+ individuals, specifically trans folx in excluding them from having equal access to housing. True Colors United vehemently opposes this amendment.

EAR was updated in 2016 to mandate access to shelter and housing to include protections for transgender and gender expansive folx. The Equal Access Rule protects transgender people from discrimination in homeless shelters by ensuring they are able to access HUD-funded shelters consistent with their gender identity. This rule is vital because transgender youth are at higher risk than their peers of experiencing homelessness and housing discrimination. Researchers have found that trans youth are ten times more likely to experience homelessness. One in five transgender people have experienced discrimination when seeking a home, and more than one in ten face eviction because of their gender identity. This rule protects the rights of transgender people and prevents discrimination against transgender people experiencing homelessness, survivors of violence and those fleeing disasters.

If Congress removes this rule in this appropriation period, it will further harm and dehumanize individuals in the trans community. It will send a reverberating message from all sides that exacerbates and cosigns the sentiments of many states and their efforts to eradicate trans and gender expansive peoples rights as humans. We must oppose this amendment to bill H.R. 4820. Support True Colors United’s efforts to stop radicals in the House of Representatives from creating new legal loopholes for discrimination. Take action by reaching out to your Congressional Representative through email or phone and urge them to oppose this harmful amendment to the Equal Access Rule.