Jzov Najea

Co-Director, Technical Assistance.

Pronouns: they/them/theirs

Jzov Najea (they/them) joins the True Colors United Team from Occupied Huichin Ohlone Land (Oakland, California) as a dedicated healing centered youth worker, fervent learner, and collaborative leader with a strong background in supporting youth who are descendants of colonized lands to honor their personal wisdom and advocate for their rights. Jzov is committed to creating sustainable programming that secures the basic needs and rightful care to communities that are most impacted by white supremacy and colonization.
They hold a B.A in Political Science and African American Studies from UC San Diego, where they also worked as a Strategic Initiatives Ambassador, Academic Transition Counselor, and Education Studies Research Assistant, collaborating with young Black folks to create systems of care to sustain themselves in an academic environment.
Jzov recently concluded their tenure at Girls Inc. of Alameda County where they collaborated with youth and colleagues to create and facilitate social justice programming that positioned young girls and genderqueer youth as autonomous beings and co-crafters of their learning experience. Jzov is passionate about promoting youth collaboration and youth autonomy in an overwhelmingly adultist society where young people are often silenced, disregarded, and persecuted for their unwavering call to destroy oppressive systems.
Jzov enjoys studying global resistance movements, ancestral medicine, and African cosmologies and ecologies. They try to spend as much time amongst trees and rivers as they remind Jzov of the innate fluidity of life. When they are not studying or admiring the elements, they are spending quality time with their partner and cat.