Tevin Giles

Program Director, Youth Action

Pronouns: he/her/them

As a Black, bisexual, nonbinary person Tevin recognized the need for holistic, intersectional programming and resources due to her own experiences of homelessness and mental health challenges. These experiences led Tevin to pursue a career in service-oriented non-profits. Tevin coordinated transformative programs for LGBTQ youth while at Affirmations LGBT Community Center in Michigan, trained educators and healthcare providers on the needs of marginalized communities, organized against institutional racism with Black Lives Matter, pushed for organizational diversity and inclusion in non-profit and educational settings, provides case management and programming to LGBTQ survivors of sexual violence at Howard Brown Health in Chicago and speak before an array of audiences on systematic oppression. After spending four years providing direct services to the LGBTQ community, Tevin moved to the Bay Area where he managed programs meant to support LGBTQ youth, connect to housing, access mental health services, and otherwise connect to care and build a sense of community at the SF LGBT Center. Significant education in substance abuse prevention, youth intervention, trauma informed care, anti-oppression frameworks, crisis intervention, and motivational interviewing has allowed Tevin to impact individual and organizational change. Experiences designing and implementing youth-focused programs and curricula, educating youth and professionals, managing a diverse team, and community organizing have shaped Tevin as a professional and inform his approach to leading the implementation of youth-focused programming.