This can be the decade we end LGBTQ youth homelessness

Jan 1970

This can be the decade we end LGBTQ youth homelessness.

Let’s face it: our communities are under attack. Right now, the Trump Administration is attempting to dismantle critical policies that protect LGBTQ people and youth experiencing homelessness.

As a new decade approaches, we – as people committed to human rights – must unite to protect LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness. That’s why I’m asking you to join this effort by making a gift to True Colors United today.

Just last month, President Trump’s Department of Health and Human Services announced that it would no longer enforce civil rights protections in programs, including those that serve youth experiencing homelessness. In other words, they’re saying it’s okay to discriminate based on sexual orientation, gender identity, sex, and religion.

Meanwhile, President Trump’s Department of Housing and Urban Development is attempting to change the Equal Access Rule, which protects transgender people in homeless shelters, by giving providers a free pass to discriminate based on a person’s gender identity. We need your help to stop this from happening.

This Administration is working morning, noon, and night to make the country less safe for LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness. True Colors United is doing everything in our power to support and protect these young people. This holiday season, I’m calling on you to support this effort. United, we can create a world where all young people are safe, accepted, and able to get the support they need.

I’m excited to share that Weston Milliken, one of our most generous donors, has offered a matching gift challenge for the holidays. How great is that? For all donations made up to $50,000, Weston will match your contribution. Are you in?

To be clear – the Trump Administration is making America less safe for LGBTQ youth, especially those experiencing homelessness. When services are less safe for LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness, they’re less likely to get the help they need – and more likely to remain homeless.

That’s why True Colors United needs your support. With your help, we can expand our free resources, tools, and technical assistance to create safer and more affirming spaces for ALL young people – especially those who identify as LGBTQ.

LGBTQ youth are the most resilient people I know. It’s not easy to be young and LGBTQ in America today. 4.2 million young people experience homelessness each year, and up to 40% of them are LGBTQ.

As someone who’s been there (homeless, that is), I know how life-changing it can be to have a support system to help get you through each day. Many LGBTQ youth – especially those who’ve been kicked out of their homes – don’t get that kind of support from their families, so they find it in one another.

United, we can create a world where all young people are safe, supported, and welcome. Join us this holiday season, and remember: any gift you make by December 31, 2019 – no matter the amount – will be doubled.

I believe that, with your help, this can be the decade that we end LGBTQ youth homelessness. So let’s start off strong. By making a gift today, you will improve the lives of LGBTQ youth across the country and in your own community – for the next decade and beyond. Thank you.