This is a Game-Changer

Jul 2014

I’m very excited to announce that the True Colors Fund is a recipient of a $125,000 grant from the Arcus Foundation in support our Forty to None Project. Simply put, this is a game-changer for us.

Cyndi Lauper, our co-founder, shares in our excitement:

“The True Colors Fund is honored by the Arcus Foundation’s belief in our Forty to None Project’s work to reduce the percentage of homeless youth in America who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) from forty to none. Arcus’ leadership gift and partnership will have a deep impact on the lives of at-risk and homeless LGBT youth so that they can live happy, healthy, and productive lives.”

This grant means big things for the Forty to None Project. With this support from Arcus, we will be able to continue building the nation’s capacity to holistically address LGBT youth homelessness by integrating a focus on prevention and early intervention so that our nation’s model is both proactive and reactive.

Desiree Flores, U.S. Social Justice Director at Arcus, had this to share:

“The Arcus Foundation is pleased to support the Forty to None Project that ultimately seeks to improve the lives of LGBT youth confronted with homelessness. This effort aligns with our belief that marginalized youth should be prioritized to achieve transformative social change.”

We are making this change happen through a strategic approach that is focused on translating systemic change efforts into practical tools that can improve the daily lives of LGBT youth experiencing homelessness and the service providers who work with them.

This grant will enable us to continue working with the federal government to address LGBT youth homelessness through a first-of-its kind initiative to prevent homelessness among LGBT youth and intervene when it occurs. We will continue to develop our Inclusion Assessment Tool to help providers further develop their abilities to meet the needs of LGBT youth, and in turn provide trainings and guidance on ways they can become more inclusive.

Arcus’ support will allow us to learn more about this complex issue. We will continue to work with communities on Point-In-Time Counts to help estimate the prevalence of LGBT youth homelessness in different localities and measure the progress of national efforts to address the issue. These counts, along with our monthly visits to service providers across the country, will further our research surrounding the causes, impact, and existing solutions for this issue.

I’m especially thrilled about the ways this grant will mobilize people around the country to address LGBT youth homelessness in their own communities, and how it can increase communication between experts in the field. Our Forty to None Network is the largest collective of professionals working on issues related to LGBT youth homelessness. For network members, Arcus’ support means access to more resources than ever, as well as feedback and insight from others on the ground. For us at the Forty to None Project, it means having the technology and bandwidth to connect more professionals across the country and strengthen the relationships we’ve already made.

Says Gregory Lewis, Executive Director of the True Colors Fund:

“Since we launched the Forty to None Project in 2012, the True Colors Fund has systematically built up the programs necessary to advance our national strategy to prevent and fully address LGBT youth homelessness in America. The Arcus Foundation’s support and partnership means that we can significantly move that strategy forward. Most importantly, it means we can continue to make a meaningful difference in the lives of LGBT youth experiencing homeless and those who work to support them every day.”

There is so much that needs to be done to ensure that these incredible young people get the support they deserve. Now, with the support of the Arcus Foundation, the True Colors Fund will have the resources needed to make an even deeper impact in their lives.