This Mom Handmade Over 100 Blankets for LGBTQ Youth Experiencing Homelessness

May 2018

We met Beth through our partnership with Marriott International. The True Colors Fund is Marriott’s national partner for #LoveTravels – a campaign to benefit both the True Colors Fund and Casa Ruby, a Multicultural LGBTQ Center in Washington D.C. Casa Ruby offers a lot to the community, including a drop-in center, hot meals, clothing exchange, career development and social services.

After learning about Casa Ruby, Beth’s mom Trish was moved by the work they do. She wanted to help in a personal way. Trish has been sewing and crocheting since she was a young child, so, she took it upon herself to hand-make 112 blankets for each bed at Casa Ruby. So, Beth and her family filled two trucks with the blankets and drove them down from New Jersey to Casa Ruby in Washington, D.C.

Here’s what Beth had to say:

I always tell my mom about all of the work that we do with #LoveTravels and one day out of the blue she told me that she wanted to make blankets for the members at Casa Ruby. I love to think that the members of Casa Ruby get to have a piece of my mother’s love. There’s something very special about something that is homemade with Trish’s love!

I am always so thankful to have her as my mother and her love and support through my coming out process is something that I will never forget. I think she looks at her blankets as a symbol of support and comfort and thought it would be nice to make one for each member to have and feel like they had their own personal blanket of “comfort”. She wanted to make sure that she made enough for each person to call their own.

Beth and Trish’s story is such an inspiring example of turning passion into action. Trish insists that she is not a “master sewer,” believing that anyone can use their interests to brighten someone’s day! By connecting her skills with a cause she’s passionate about, Trish was able to make a difference in the lives of others in a special way. You can, too!