Today is #40toNoneDay!

Apr 2015

Today is the first ever #40toNoneDay, a national day to raise public awareness about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth homelessness, and to give people simple ways to make a difference!

Up to 40% of youth experiencing homelessness identify as LGBT, yet LGBT young people make up 7% of the general youth population. While there are many factors that contribute to LGBT youth homelessness, identity-based family rejection is the most commonly cited reason. We’ve organized #40toNoneDay to provide supporters with a national platform to discuss LGBT youth homelessness and explore methods we can all take to prevent and end it.

#40toNoneDay also creates an opportunity for community members from various sectors to learn ways in which they can contribute to ending LGBT youth homelessness in their hometowns. A number of communities have signed on to #40toNoneDay by way of public declaration or bill proposal, including Cincinnati, OH; Houston, TX; Phoenix, AZ; Tempe, AZ; King County, WA; and more.

This advocacy day coincides with U.S. Congressional hearings and White House policy briefings on runaway and homeless youth programs. Today, the True Colors Fund and our Co-Founder Cyndi Lauper are joining service providers, researchers, advocates, federal agencies, and young people to explore opportunities to advance the goals of our nation’s federal plan to end youth homelessness by 2020, and advocate for the reauthorization and strengthening of programs to serve all homeless youth.

People across the country are posting “unselfies” (selfies for a cause) with the hashtag #40toNoneDay to show their support. Pick out your unselfie sign and share away on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!

Nicolas Seip is the Program and Communications Associate at the True Colors Fund.