What Happened to the Forty to None Project?

Jul 2015

Forty to None Project Phase Out

After much consideration, we’ve begun phasing out the Forty to None Project as a separate entity. That means it’ll no longer have its own website, email list, or social media accounts.

Don’t worry, we’re still the same team doing the same important work! We’re just simplifying things a bit.

We’re doing this for one simple reason: we realized we were totally confusing people.

There’s especially been a lot of confusion around the relationship between the Forty to None Project and the True Colors Fund (Are they completely different organizations? Are they the same organization? Which logo should we use?).

We believe that communicating under one name (the True Colors Fund) will allow us to more efficiently share our work with the world – and hopefully eliminate some of that confusion.

In the coming weeks, we’ll be merging our social media accounts, so be sure to follow the True Colors Fund on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Google+. We’ll also be moving the content from FortytoNone.org over to TrueColorsFund.org, so you’ll be able to find all of our resources in one place.

Even though we’re phasing out the Forty to None Project brand, the “Forty to None” message won’t be going away. We remain committed to reducing the disproportionate percentage of youth experiencing homelessness who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender from forty to none. You’ll continue to see our “Forty to None” message live on in our work, particularly within our Forty to None Network, Forty to None Summit, and #40toNoneDay!

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

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