Meet the True Colors Fellow Co-Producing the Opening Reception at Our Impact Summit

Aug 2019

Daeon Tyree

Meet Daeon Tyree: The 2019 True Colors Production Fellow.

My name is Daeon Tyree, I’m twenty-two years of age, and the DMV is where I call home (that’s DC, Maryland & Virginia for those of you who don’t know)! I’ve always been a very positive, loving and joyful individual and I’ve always known that I’d be a part of something that helps others.

I believe that all the things we go through in our lives – the things we consider to be negative or traumatic – are all for a reason. We’re meant to turn those hardships into joy, truth, and wisdom so that we can help the next person who’s going through those same things. That’s why I’m proud to be the 2019 True Colors Production Fellow!

On April 15, 2019 I arrived in NYC – for the first time I might add – for a week of training with other True Colors Fellows and staff. Talk about a culture shock! The people, the cars, all of the energy traveling in the air and through the city… It’s a feeling I can’t really explain, but I know I loved it.

It was the first time for a few things for me; along with it being my first time in New York it was my first time traveling without a friend, family, or dog – just me. It was also my first time doing humanitarian work, so a big deal it was for me. I knew I was in for a treat, the sweetest treat I’d ever bite into my life. This year’s True Colors Fellowship retreat exceeded my expectations in every way. I’ve met some of the most beautiful souls I’ve encountered on my twenty-two year long journey. During this retreat we connected with one another on a soul level and prepared for the work ahead of us. I’m delighted that I had the chance to be apart of it.

Daeon is co-producing the Opening Reception at our Impact Summit in September.

“The show must go on!” It’s a phrase said by folks in show business but it applies to all areas of life. Regardless of what happens, whatever show has been planned still has to be staged for the waiting patrons. It’s a phrase I’ve applied to my life that has transferred over to my work on this Fellowship.

It’s been a couple of months since my True Colors United Fellowship commenced and I am delighted to have the six month opportunity to be a True Colors Production Fellow. As a Fellow, I’ve been working on the production side of True Colors United’s  annual Impact Summit. For two days in September in Washington, D.C., beautiful people, advocates, and activists from around the country will convene and share their unique stories and ideas to shed light on the issue of youth homelessness. We’ll also find solutions so that one day soon, youth homelessness is one less thing for humanity to face…

Some of my responsibilities include working with my staff liaison Kahlib to find and secure photographers and entertainment for the event. I’m also helping to plan the menu and decide how the event will flow throughout the night. I get my own little taste of event planning and experience the things event planners experience, from the excited anticipation of the event, to the situation when a potential participant in the event. But like I said before, “the show must go on” and go on it will.

The Summit is so unique compared to anything I’ve heard of, from young people  coming together, to young adults and adults collaborating, comparing and communicating ideas in order to create a future where children won’t go through homelessness.

I was homeless as a child many times over and I know what is going through that at a young age can do to a kid mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. I also know the process of finding the light through it all no matter what you’ve been through.

That’s why it’s important for collaborative efforts such as this fellowship, the impact Summit, and  True Colors United as an organization to exist. It’s divine work, showing young people that their voices, stories and life experiences are heard and they matter and are essential. This organization shows that all that love, compassion, empathy, and patience is what makes a person strong.

Unite with us at the True Colors Impact Summit.

True colors knocked down the door! And together or individually with our own unique experiences we each have a key to unlock more doors until they’re all open. Join True Colors United, plus their families, friends and allies, at their Impact Summit on September 4-5 in our nation’s capital.

Learn more and register for the Summit here. I look forward to seeing your beautiful faces. Don’t forget to book your hotel!