Joe Biden for #TrueColorsDay: We Can Change Our Culture to One of Love and Acceptance

Apr 2018

We’re honored to have the support of Vice President Joe Biden on #TrueColorsDay!

It’s #TrueColorsDay! Are you ready? Joe Biden delivers the call to action:

Hi, I’m Joe Biden. Today is #TrueColorsDay – a day to raise awareness about LGBTQ youth homelessness, and to commit to making a difference. Across the United States, LGBTQ young people are 120% more likely to experience homelessness than all other youth. Too often these young people have been rejected due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. They don’t have another support system to fall back on. Not only is this heartbreaking, its unacceptable. All our young people deserve to be loved and affirmed – and they need to be safe and healthy, as well. That’s why today is so important.

Our voices are louder when we use them together. It’s long past time that we speak out together on LGBTQ youth homelessness. I’m proud to join the True Colors Fund and my friend Cyndi Lauper in standing up for LGBTQ youth all across the country. So, I hope you’ll join me on social media with the hashtag #TrueColorsDay – and you can learn more at

Together, we can change our culture to one of love and acceptance, but only if we work at it – on #TrueColorsDay and every day henceforth.

Share your unselfie!

On #TrueColorsDay, folks across the world share “unselfies” (that’s a selfie for a cause) on social media to spread the word. Choose the unselfie sign that speaks to you! Or, if you’d prefer, click here to send a quick tweet in support of the cause!