Now Playing: The Final 100-Day Challenge Podcast

Feb 2017

Early this year, Austin, Cleveland, and Los Angeles completed a 100-Day Challenge on Youth Homelessness, achieving massive progress on addressing youth homelessness in just 100 Days. Each community exceeded their 100-Day goal, ending the experience of homelessness for a total of 413 young people. Local and national partners also discovered new insights on how more communities can prevent and end youth homelessness moving forward.

Two members of the National Youth Forum on Homelessness, Terrance Walker and 40 of the 40 honoree Phoebe VanCleefe, have been following the three communities over the course of the Challenge. In an episode of the Center for Social Innovation’s T3 Podcast, Terrance and Phoebe share their reflections on the past 100 days.

In this final episode of the 100 Day Challenge series in partnership with A Way Home America and Rapid Results Institute, Phoebe VanCleefe and Terrance Walker share the resounding success of the Challenges that took place in Los Angeles, Cleveland, and Austin. They discuss what was accomplished in each city, lessons learned, the role of authentic youth engagement, and what advice they have for other communities interested in launching similar Challenges.

Learn more about these exciting results: