Progress Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect.

Jul 2019

Let’s build a future we can take pride in.

We just wrapped up a Pride month for the history books. Not only has it been 50 years since the uprising at Stonewall, but New York City just hosted the biggest Pride gathering ever. But for many folks who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning (LGBTQ), Pride is simply a way to amplify the desires, hopes, and dreams that exist year-round.

At last year’s Impact Summit, True Colors Media Fellow Maddox Guerilla introduced us to the idea of protopia. Protopia is the concept of a future that isn’t perfect (like a utopia) or apocalyptic (like a dystopia), but better than what we have now. It’s the idea that each day is better than yesterday because every day you work towards the world you want to see.

The LGBTQ community has achieved incredible progress over the past 50 years – including marriage equality, unprecedented representation in media and government, and shifts in attitude from tolerance to genuine affirmation. These victories were won thanks to decades of hard work and imaginative dreaming of what the future could look like.

But what about us, here today? What do we envision in our protopia? While our nation has made tremendous progress, LGBTQ youth still make up 40% of young people experiencing homelessness. For True Colors United, our protopia is a future where no young person ever faces homelessness because of who they are.

Dream big at the True Colors Impact Summit.

September 3-4 | Washington, D.C.

We’re inviting everyone with a stake in youth homelessness to share their vision for the future at our Impact Summit this September. The Impact Summit brings together real-life superheroes from across the world who are working to end youth homelessness. We’ll focus on big-picture change, direct service solutions, and restorative practices for our champions on the front line. United, we’ll create a protopia where all young people can be their true selves.

Learn more about the Impact Summit.